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Showing posts from September, 2019

Casablanca Characters

                                       -Casablanca- Rick Rick is the main character of Casablanca, he plays a man who was left by someone he loved (Ilse) and was changed forever. Rick is one of the people who are happy to settle down in Casablanca and isn't attempting to reach America (as he isn't allowed back into the country). Rick doesn't "stick his neck out" for anyone, and at the beginning of the film he is happy to just stay and run his cafe without being disturbed by anyone, however, toward the end of the film we see his aims change, he wants to help Ilse escape Casablanca with victor, he doesn't care what happens to himself, he just wants to protect his lover. Rick is meant to portray America at the time, who weren't currently involved in world war two) Ilse Isle is victors wife, and Ricks former lover, who left him in Paris. In the film we see her torn between Victor, her husband, and Rick. When she and Rick first started their relationship

Film Reveiw

Film Review  12/09/19 Movie: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice is a fantasy-comedy-horror movie directed by Tim Burton in 1988. It is a great movie because while it follows many of the typical conventions of the horror/comedy genre, it's also a little crazy, with things such as a giant sandworm, a strip club, and an impromptu wedding between the "villain" of the film and Lydia. The film allows the main "villain" of the plot to be more of an antihero than anything else. This allows the film to create a good balance between the "horror" and the comedy, relying more on props and makeup to scare people, rather than the jump scares that are typical of comedy/horror films. The narrative is also a little different than most typical films, having more "friendly" ghosts, and the humans in the story being portrayed as the "bad guys" subverting the typi cal genre of humans vs ghosts. This movie is typical of Tim Burton, as he likes the darker sid

Film Form

film form 10/09/03 cinematography: use of camera and lighting angles shot types (close up) movement (zoom, pan, tracking) Editing: It creates a   Relationship between the shots Mise-en-scene: what's in the shot (scene, costume) sound: Music, sound Fx, spoken word performance: the actors